Ribbon menu and its operations

The InventoryPlus's ribbon tabs are located at the top of the main window and provide all the features available within InventoryPlus in a categorized fashion. The ribbon tabs parts are:

  1. The main tabs - They are always visible and are used for the most important actions
  2. The tabs groups - When a tab is selected, it will display actions grouped by similar purpose

The Home tab

This tab provides access to the basic actions:

  • Home page will display the opened company details
  • Manage the purchase invoice
  • Manage the sales invoice
  • Manage the Vouchers

The Reports tab

This tab gives access to InventoryPlus reporting:

  • Inventory tab - Lists of report related to Stock and Invoice
  • Account - Accounting related reports
  • Others : coming soon.

The Others tab

This tab provides access to Security and other details:

  • Users - Manage users and user permissions
  • Change password - reset the password
  • Language - Select the different language.