Green Tea and its health qualities

The Chinese have known about Green tea as a powerful medication for at least 4000 years. According to legend, tea was discovered by a Chinese emperor called Shen Nung. Some tea leaves accidentally fell into boiling water, and he tried it and found it invigorating....

Green Tea for Beautiful Skin and live long

Green tea offers so many benefits to the skin and to the body. It contains antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and anti-bacterial properties. It is not a mystery green tea is so popular in the cosmetic industry. Loaded with Vitamin E and C, the antioxidant agents slow...

Green tea weight loss diet

I think you might already aware that green tea helps a lot to battle against life-threatening diseases like heart disease, arteriosclerosis and cancer. Yet, there is one more reason why you must prefer green tea. It is nothing but- IT helps in weight loss and burns...

Weight Loss Tips to Cut 100 or More Calories each day

Are you feeling daily started putting weight? Then you have to read this article without fail.  When you gain weight the first thing to bother you is food. You instantly make your mind for a weight loss program to get rid of those extra fats. This involves cutting...

Go Green With Organic Tea

Organic tea cultivation: Organic tea is grown following strict rules of organic cultivation, using only natural elements in the treatment of the soil, fertilization process and providing natural light instead of any artificial light source. It makes no use whatsoever...

Truth behind organic herbal tea

With many sickness and disorders plaguing our world today, most people have come to realize the importance of going organic. This does not only encompass what we wear and how we do things. Going organic has also taken hold of people who are tea aficionados. One of the...